Dear Pen, Whenever I’m passing the time at one of those dismal conferences with our secret scribbles, I notice just how important you actually are to me.
Our colleague Marco has sent us this snapshot from his trip in Cape Town. In the designer hall at Waterfront...
Handwritten messages establish trust. And the desire for authenticity and personal contact seems to be growing with every e-mail we...
We have just received a little Thank you note from one of our fans all the way from Japan....
A writing instrument is used to write. That’s a clear fact, more or less. But writing instruments can also be...
Christmas time is here again and we wish you serenity to share with your dearest and time to dedicate to things...
Simply send us a photo of your favorite couple at [email protected], and within 24 hours we will configure and post...
Good products have a soul, says the designer of the new DS9. And this is visible....
The five finalists of the Campiello Prize, one of the most important awards on the Italian literary scene, have been...
Writing by hand is not only an expression of personality, it also trains our minds. It helps us to think,...
In order to illustrate a range of different relationships, we have selected several famous couples for you and placed two writing instruments...
Christoph Schnug has made a decisive contribution to shaping the DNA of Prodir pens. The desk in his office is...