Actually, we’re always in relationships. Even when we’re single

In order to illustrate a range of different relationships, we have selected several famous couples for you and placed two writing instruments by their side, summing up their characteristics in a nutshell. 

Elisabeth & Charles
A parent-child relationship is the social and emotional bond between a parent and their child. When the son is all grown up, the term Mother-Son relationship is most frequently used in this context. If the mother is also a queen, a Queen-Prince relationship exists – something that also holds increased potential for conflict. | Pen couple: Prodir DS1 and DS5

John & Yoko
A romantic relationship is an intimate relationship between two or more people which starts with mutual acceptance and erotic attraction. Excluding platonic love, a romantic relationship is usually a sexual relationship, the like of which has been popularly portrayed in the media since the 1960s. | Pen couple: Prodir DS9 and DS7

Bunny & Hugh
An open relationship refers to a relationship (usually between two people), in which both parties enjoy a certain amount of freedom from one another to have relations with other partners. | Pen couple: Prodir DS2 and DS8

Cruella de Vil & the Dalmatians
Man-dog relationships are relationships in which people build up an emotional connection with dogs. Man-dog relationships are good for people (“man’s best friend”), but not always for the dog. | Pen couple: Prodir DS5 and DS1

Mario Bros.
Sibling relationships refer to the connection between brothers and sisters. These last a lifetime and are often the basis for successful working relationships (Mario Bros, as well as Warner Bros., Freitag Bros., Coen Bros.). | Pen couple: Prodir DS9

Would you like to have a look at what your favourite couple looks like as a pen couple?
Then simply send us a photo of your favorite couple at [email protected], and within 24 hours we will configure and post your matching pen couple on this blog post. We look forward to seeing your relationship proposal!

The illustrations are by Spanish Studio Hey. This office for graphic design and visual communication based in Barcelona loves geometric shapes, colours and direct typography. “Every-hey” is a personal project in which an icon of international pop culture is posted on Instagram every day.

The pens are of course Prodir‘s – Swiss manufacturer, leader in the production and distribution of customised pens.