DS3 Special Edition – 50 years is a good start.

This year we turn 50 and what better tool to celebrate this outstanding milestone then a special-edition pen in perfect Prodir style? This unique writing tool blends the freshness of our iconic DS3, smooth and rounded, with the boldness of three outstanding colors.

Born from the careful selection of waste granulate from previous custom projects, this pen is a testament to our deep commitment to sustainability. It embodies our vision of reducing waste and giving new life to materials, transforming what was once discarded into a symbol of ecological responsibility and innovation, while recounting our company’s story.

Since that distant 1975, the world has evolved and so have we; but in all the ways that matter, we haven’t changed a bit. In every pen we produce, we still channel all our creativity, inventiveness, and expertise, taking care of the design and the functionality in equal measure. We embrace innovation with courage and confidence, while relying on the passion of people, a technology that will never become obsolete.

Although we remain Swiss to the core, along this 50-year journey we have traveled the whole world, from hand to hand. With this pen we want to say thank you to those who have been by our side since the beginning and those who have joined us along the way, for choosing us as an amplifier to communicate your values ​​by identifying with ours.

Yes, 50 years is a good start, but the future is still a blank page. Let’s fill it together!