Mood of the Year: Fresh Lilac

No colour is ever simply bright, particularly not Fresh Lilac. It’s an upbeat invitation to be calmer, conveys a sense of well-being and optimism, is full of vitality and passion and is bursting at the seams with power and creativity.

There’s no colour better for 2022, as you head Into the Great Wide Open of this promise-filled year. That’s why our design team has chosen Fresh Lilac as our colour – no – our mood of the year.

Because at Prodir we believe in the power of colour to elevate perceptions, change expectations and set the tone for our most heartfelt communication. Choosing the right colour for the right time can create impact, spark imagination and help people see what you already know to be true.

Fresh Lilac communicates all the freshness of flower-covered alpine pasture in the sunshine, a crisp springtime of the mind and spirit. Choosing Fresh Lilac for your brand messengers can help you and your customers, partners and teams step forward into the new year with bright serenity, joyous calm and hopeful enthusiasm.

Fresh Lilac (PMS 264C) is available on all Prodir models starting from 5,000 units. Will Fresh Lilac set the mood for your business this year?