The 911 or remaining true to one’s self

Some products never seem to change, and if they do, the changes are often imperceptible at first glance. Instead, these products evolve, sometimes at rates that seem to stretch over aeons. 

They stay true to themselves, rejecting the need to play the monotonous and fast-moving game of perpetual reinvention.

Why should they? They are perfect as they are – forming a rock-solid presence in our otherwise overwhelming world. And that’s precisely what makes them so wonderful.

The 911 is one such product. An icon. It’s synonymous with the Porsche brand like no other model before or after it. Its form is so memorable that it has even been shown to trigger recognition among three-year-olds. According to Michael Mauer, Chief Designer at Porsche, working on its design is essentially “working on the very identity and heart of the Porsche brand”. In his eyes, this challenge means consistently questioning the use of form and cautiously nurturing the evolution of the Porsche DNA.

Photo credits: Martin Miskolci,