Promotional Oscar for Prodir

We’re exceptionally pleased! The concept of our innovative QS models with 3D surface has been honoured with the renowned Promotional Gift Award 2016 – the Oscar of our industry.

The jury was particularly impressed with the QS00, whose 3D surface can be individually designed. The QS00 represents a totally new dimension in the personalisation of writing instruments. Manfred Dreher, Managing Director of Prodir Deutschland, accepted the prize in the category Communicative Products on 16 March 2016 in the World Conference Center in Bonn. The jury’s rationale for its decision is so flattering that we didn’t want to withhold it from you:

“The new QS writing instrument series by Prodir surprises with a 3D surface, which turns each single model into a haptic experience. In addition to standard surfaces, individual structures and patterns can be produced on the surface of the writing instruments – an innovative injection moulding process makes this possible. In this way, the communicative potential of the classic promotional product gains a further dimension and thanks to the additional sensor technology, the promoting companies make a memorable impact.

“Not only the design of the writing instruments, but the technical realisation which enables the surface structure to be individualised in any number of ways, makes the QS Series standout from all the rest”, according to the assessment of the jury, which conferred Prodir with the award in the Communicative Products category. The refillable writing instrument of the QS Series are manufactured in Switzerland in keeping with high social standards. Thus far, the series encompasses the QS00 Personalised Pattern Pen, QS01 Pattern Pen and QS20 Peak Pen models. With the QS00 model, the surface can not only be individualised to draw particular attention to the brand, but can also be personalised.”